ヒトコトLAトーキング #72 クリスマスデー in LA


アイリッシュ人は赤いローソクを窓際に灯すのが伝統だそうで、この灯りは宿を探す旅行者をもてなす  シンボルになっているそうです。それはまるでクリスマスイブのメアリーとジョセフがいたような心地よい場所を提供できるようにという意味のあるシンボルなんだそうです。クリスマスイブの食事にはミンチミートパイ、 ガチョウ(goose)、プラムプリン、ウイスキーの入ったフルーツケーキなどが有名です。
A red candle flickering in a window is an Irish tradition symbolizing hospitality to travelers seeking a warm place to stay like Mary and Joseph on Christmas Eve. Catholics in Ireland were denied many civil liberties and freedoms up until the nineteenth century as a result they practiced their faith in secrecy. On December 25, devout Catholics placed a red candle in their window to signal to passing priests that the home was safe to visit and in exchange, a Christmas mass was held at the house. The Irish on Christmas Eve like to eat mincemeat pies, goose, plum pudding or fruitcake made with whisky.
ロサンジェルス移民の中で多分最も多い人種のメキシコ人。ロスパサダと呼ばれるお祝いがカトリックメキシカンの間では有名だそうです。この行事は12月16にからクリスマスイブの24日までの間ローソクを持ち衣装をまとった子供達が列を作って街を歩くようです。もちろん9日間ずっと歩くわけではなく親同伴での簡単な儀式のようです。子供達にとって残念なのはクリスマスプレゼントは25日ではなく1月6日、賢いおっさんの日 “Day of the Wise Men.”と呼ばれる日にもらえることができるそうです。サンタではなくあくまで賢い人、おっさんのようです。この期間様々なイベントも行われますがその一つピニャータはメキシコでは有名な遊びの一つです。それ以外のロスパサダについては実際のところあまり周囲で聞くことはありません。自分にメキシカンの血統がないせいでもありますが。
Los Posadas is a cherished Mexican Catholic tradition. It commemorates the journey of Mary and Joseph to Bethlehem and their search for a warm place to stay. The event begins with children walking in a line carrying lit candles. The first two children carry figures of the Holy Family (Mary and Joseph) and walk down the street approaching homes in search of shelter. As they approach each home, they are turned away until they arrive at a replica of the stable in Bethlehem. Once the children arrive at the stable, they arrange the figures of the Holy Family. Traditionally, Christmas gifts are not exchanged on December 25 but on January 6, a day called “Day of the Wise Men.” Mexican children put their shoes out for the wise men (not Santa Claus) to fill with toys.
Noel means Christmas in French. In France Noel is a time for family reunions and generosity by giving gifts and candy for children, loved ones and the poor. Attending Midnight Mass and le Réveillon a symbolic awakening to the meaning of Christ’s birth and is a culinary high point of the season. The French serve late night feasts on December 24 and an early morning feast on December 25. Those who celebrate in grand style have oysters, caviar, foie gras or turkey and goose. Dessert is a bûche de Noël, which is a type of cake in a log shape, or chocolate. A Christmas feast will also have a few good bottles of French wine. Maison Richard has been serving the Los Angeles community for 30 years. The French restaurant and bakery offers all the croissants, tarts, country bread rounds, baguettes, quiches, petits fours you can imagine. They also have a full lunch and dinner menu with catering services for those looking to serve as a Christmas feast with a French flare.
ロサンジェルス在住のアジア系移民の中では1番多い中国人(29.4%)、2番目のフィリピン人(22.7%)、それに続くのが13.8%を占める韓国人ですが (ちなみ日本人は移民全体の6% -*1)コリアンタウンの大きさやよく街で見かける韓国レストランや教会などその規模はかなりのものです。*1:<https://www.laalmanac.com/population/po16.php> クリスチャンの多い韓国人はヨーロッパのように伝統的な宗教深いクリスマスを祝うようですが食事に関してはライスケーキスープ、ブルコギ、キムチなど韓国伝統の食事が一般のようです。韓国は日本に似ているのでクリスマスにはケンタッキーが人気なのかと思ったのですがそうでもないようです。
Greater Los Angeles has the one of the largest communities of Korean immigrants outside of Asia. Many Koreans have turned toward the Christian faith and celebrate Christmas in the United States. At Christmas, young children wait for the arrival of Santa Haraboji, or Santa Grandfather, on Christmas Eve. A holiday dinner is also popular where friends and family come together and feast on dishes loaded with sweet potato noodles, rice cake soup, barbecued beef (bulgogi), and spicy pickled cabbage (gimchi). Koreatown Los Angeles For those looking for authentic Korean cuisine, drinks or gifts this holiday season they must visit Koreatown in Los Angeles. Koreatown is rich in its traditional heritage with authentic food, noraebang also known as karaoke studios, shopping and distinct Korean signage but at the same time, it blends in the American modern era with lofts and savvy restaurants that appeal to the non-Korean population.
