LAS VEGAS (AP) — Las Vegas baked Wednesday in a record fifth consecutive day of temperatures sizzling at 115 degrees Fahrenheit (46.1 Celsius) or greater amid a lengthening hot spell that is expected to broil much of the U.S. into the weekend, the National Weather Service said. The temperature climbed to 115 at 1:13 p.m. at Harry Reid International Airport, breaking the old mark of four consecutive days. On Sunday, the heat wave set Las Vegas’ all-time temperature record of 120 F (48.8 C).
“If I don’t get out by 8:30 in the morning, then it’s not going to happen that day,” Bailey said, wearing a sunhat while the dogs played in the grass. Alyse Sobosan said this July has been the hottest in the 15 years she has lived in Las Vegas. A counselor at a school that’s on summer break, Sobosan said she doesn’t step outside during the day if she can help it, and waits until 9 p.m. or later to walk her dogs.
National Park Service Rangers reported the death took place near Badwater Basin on Saturday, when the temperature at Death Valley reached a record 128 degrees. The salt flats in Inyo County are not far from the California-Nevada state line, about 130 miles west of Las Vegas by motor vehicle. The rider was with a group of six motorcyclists traveling through the park, rangers announced in a Monday news release. Another one of the riders, officials reported, was taken to a hospital in Las Vegas to be treated for severe heat illness. The four others were treated in the national park and released.
この暑さによりロサンジェルスを含めたカリフォルニア州で今年起こった山火事は3500件数以上となり、これは過去5年間、毎年7月10日までに起こる山火事の報告件数の5倍になるそうです。 消防士によるとこの暑さと風の強さが原因だそうで、かなり注意しなければいけないと言っていますが一体どう気を付けりゃあいいのでしょうか。
Meanwhile, California’s top fire official said this week that so far this year, the state has responded to more than 3,500 wildfires that have scorched nearly 325 square miles (842 square kilometers) — five times the average burned through July 10 in each of the past five years. “We are not just in a fire season, but we are in a fire year,” Joe Tyler, director of the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, said. “Our winds and the recent heat wave have exacerbated the issue, consuming thousands of acres. So we need to be extra cautious.”