Spaying and neutering are safe, simple surgeries that prevent animals from reproducing. Females are spayed, and males are neutered. Spaying and neutering reduces or eliminates the risk of certain types of cancer that can kill your pet or be expensive to treat. Spaying and neutering may eliminate undesirable behaviors such as fighting, spraying, and roaming. Los Angeles law requires all dogs and cats over four months old to be spayed or neutered, with a few exceptions. If you’re unsure about this law, here’s what you need to know:The goal of the law is to decrease the number of abandoned and euthanized pets. By spaying or neutering your pet, you can help prevent unplanned litters and reduce the number of animals in shelters. Violations of the law are subject to increasing fines, starting at $100, to urge compliance. Upon a second violation, mandatory sterilization for the animal may be required. Multiple violations may result in a misdemeanor charge. To maintain an intact dog, you must meet certain requirements and obtain a special license.
Spaying (スペイン。メス犬の去勢) and neutering (ニュータリン、オス犬の去勢)どちらも去勢後にはある種のガンになるリスクを減らす事ができるとあります。またfighting(喧嘩), spraying(マーキング), and roaming(放浪)など好まれない習性が治るらしいんです。 考えてみれば生き物なのでこれら”好まれない”行動は種族繁殖のための必要な活動です。繁殖機能がなくなってしまうのでメートを探す意欲も減ってしまうんでしょう。人間社会にとってはいいことには見えますが法律で決めなければいけないことなのかには少し疑問があります。日本ではペットの去勢は義務付けされていないですね。それでも去勢するペットオーナーは統計によると半分以上らしく, 街で野良犬だらけという印象はないです。(ちなみにイスタンブールは世界の中でも野良犬の多い街らしいです。)何故なのか少し調べた所ある言葉が出てくるようになり自分の考えが変わってきました。やはり去勢はしといたほうがいいのかもしれません。Euthanasia という言葉ですが安楽死という意味です。かなりのサイトで日本の野良犬に対する安楽死についてコメントしています。
While in some other industrialized countries the idea of “saving” a pet from a shelter is well-established, in Japan animal welfare activists say strays often fall foul of an attitude that prizes puppies and pedigrees as status symbols. “In Britain, the public go to animal welfare shelters to adopt an animal and save a life. The mindset in Japan is still ‘if you want a pet, go to a pet shop’,” said Briar Simpson, a New Zealander who works for Japan’s animal shelter ARK, via e-mail. In Britain, approximately 6 to 9 percent of dogs in pounds are put to death every year, 2007-2009 figures show, according to the website of Dogs Trust, the nation’s largest dog welfare charity. In Japan that figure is more than 70 percent, the Japanese animal welfare organization ALIVE says.
日本では、犬を飼おうと思ったらまずペットショップに行くのが通常でシェルターで里親になるという考えはあまりないようです。上記記事ではイギリスと比べていますが、保護された犬の6−7%が処理されていて、日本でこの割合は70%以上だとあります。かなり強く批判しているサイトもありました。”野良犬安楽死の中心、東京”といきなりタイトルからストレートです。息を引き取る前の15分間犬達はガス室で苦しむとあります。東京では “Prowling dogs”、野良犬を減らすため撲滅キャンペーンなるものが掲げられていたそうで、事実を確かめるためある国会議員がその現場をリポートするというサイトでした。野良犬一匹いないようなという表現どうり綺麗な街を目指しているもののその理由は単に裏で処分しているだけだというのです。
The Tokyo ‘euthanasia centre’ for stray dogs
Cruelty of the Tokyo ‘euthanasia centre’ for stray dogs where animals suffer for FIFTEEN minutes before they die from suffocation in canine ‘gas chamber’.
The streets of Tokyo may be free of prowling dogs since its zero-stray policy came into effect but the laws come at a heavy price as one politician has revealed.
MITO — Ibaraki Prefecture announced on May 24 that it had not euthanized a dog in fiscal 2021, a first for the local government and thanks primarily to trainers’ efforts to discipline aggressive dogs before they found new owners. According to the prefecture’s public health division, Ibaraki was notorious for culling the highest number of dogs among Japan’s 47 prefectures for eight years in a row in the 1990s. In fiscal 2016, Ibaraki killed 612 dogs to claim the third-worst spot nationally, falling to the seventh worst in fiscal 2017 with 338 dogs put to death. Even after the Environment Ministry asked in fiscal 2018 that the number of dogs that died in shelters be reported separately from euthanized dogs, Ibaraki put down 173 of the animals that year, 10th most in Japan.
LA officially becomes ‘no-kill’ city as animal shelters achieve 90% save rate LOS ANGELES (KABC) — With Los Angeles animal shelters achieving a save rate of 90.49%, the second-largest city in the U.S. has officially achieved “no-kill” status for the first time. The designation marks the realization of the “No-Kill Los Angeles” initiative launched nine years ago by Best Friends Animal Society, which announced the milestone in a March 10 statement.